Juggernauts of Awesome Cheese; Antonelli's Cheese Shop, Austin, TX
Welcome to the cheese shop!
If you have ever found yourself at an American Cheese Society Conference (or have been lucky enough to visit Austin) and you've seen the Antonelli's in person, you might feel they are too good to be true. They give inspiring speeches, have a way of making everyone feel special, and their love for each other seems otherworldly, considering the amount of time they spend together in work and life. From the outside, their lives look perfect. Two beautiful and precocious children, a seemingly successful cheese business, and a love that would make any rom-com jealous. They would also be the first to tell you, though, that not everything is as it seems on the outside.
This is what vulnerability looks like in front of a few hundred people.
The last couple of years were rough for the Antonelli's. The closing of a concept that, on paper, should have been a success, Kendall had to be bedridden for 11 weeks with back surgery, and John spiraled into a depression that took months to recover from. They had to have many hard conversations that required asking their team to trust them even if it didn't look like the right decision at the moment. They were the kind of things that could destroy a relationship, a business, and friendships. Yet, they, seemingly, made it out stronger than ever.
This year, in sharp contrast to the last couple, has been successful. Platter sales have soared through the holidays. They have reliable and capable people in the right positions to handle the stresses of the cheese shop so John and Kendall can focus their energy on the bigger picture. The events side of the business is exploding with a robust variety of offerings that sell out almost immediately. They've rented a warehouse to separate their wholesale and distribution channels. The many moving pieces are finding a way to fit together in the most successful year they've experienced in the ten years as Austin's cheese darlings.
Get in there and platter!
A lot of things culminated in this, but a reassessment of their values ultimately led them to their success today. Stepping back and getting back to the basics and their core tenets have given the team the ability to focus on the things that are most important to the business. Selling good food and doing good in the community. Their authenticity and vulnerability in talking about the struggles of running a business and mental health have built a bridge to many facing the same issues. Being true to themselves has proven to be their biggest asset. They genuinely are a juggernaut of awesome.
This coming week the Antonelli's celebrate their 10th anniversary as a shop in Austin. This achievement is monumental for any business, but especially for one that seemed so close to the brink of closure not so long ago.
I had the pleasure of working at the shop over the holiday season, and one thing I can definitely tell you, their passion for service has not diminished. In fact, I would say that it has only strengthened. Here's a great example: If you find yourself in the Austin area February 3rd- 7th, check out the lineup of places where they will be making it rain cheese with free cheese plates in partnership with their wholesale customers. Their desire to bring cheese to the people is such a driving force that they are willing to give away cheese to celebrate and connect with their community, and it's incredible.
Me, before work.
Have you been to Antonelli's? Are you going to hit up those free cheese plates? Let me know in the comments!