CEO Dinner
As some of you may know, I'm knee deep in a Business Class at North Seattle College. It's technically a Business Bootcamp so it's three business classes in one quarter. It's been kicking my butt in a lot of ways but I'm learning a ton and looking deeply in to what I may want to be when I grow up. Mr. Eberhardt, my teacher, has been running the Entrepreneurship program at the college for a few years now. When feasible, he tries to connect his current and past students with a monthly CEO dinner. This one happened to be a BBQ potluck at the Shilshore Bay Marina. It was a perfect chance to do a bit of networking and to also show some of my classmates what it is I do.
We showed up right before sunset and it was so nice to be on the water. For living so close, I don't venture that way nearly enough.
It was an enjoyable night though I'm bummed we weren't able to get a group picture of all of us. There is something to be said for being around people that are in the same boat (pun intended!) as you. People trying to create a path for themselves in this world, doing what they love. It's not an easy road so making connections with those that know where you are can make all the difference.